Prometheus and PandoraⅢ
learnenglish Prometheus has been a favorite subject with the poets.He isrepresented as the friend of mankind,who interposed in their behalf when Zeuswas angry at them,and who taught them civilization and arts.learn french But as,in so doing,hetransgressed the will of Zeus,he drew down on himself the anger of the ruler ofgods and men.Zeus and him chained to a rock on Mount Caucasus,where a vulturepreyed on his liver,which was renewed as fast as devored.This state of tormentmight have been brought to an end at any time by Prometheus,if he had beenwilling, to submit to his oppressor;for he possedssed a secret which involvedthe stability of Zeus’s throne,and if he would have revealed it,he might havebeen at once taken into favour.But that he disdained to do.learn talian He has therefore becomethe symbol lf worthy endurance of unmerited suffering ,and strength of willresisting oppression.learn spanish