Prometheus and PandoraⅡ
Hethen turned to his brother Prometheus,who,with the aid of Athena,brought downfire to man.This gift allowed man to make weapons subdue the other animals andto cultivate the earth with,to warm his home and introduce the arts and coinmoney,themeans of trade. learn english
Womanwas not yet made.The story is that Zeus made her,and sent her to Prometheus andhis brother,to punish them for their presumption in stealing fire fromheaven;and man,for accepting the gift.The first woman was named Pandora.She wasmade in heaven,every god contributing something to perfect her. learn french She,along with a mysterious box from Zeus,was then presented toEpimetheus,who gladly accepted her,though his brother cautioned him to bewareof Zeus and his gift.Pandora,was seized with an eager curiosity to know whatthe mysterious box contained;and one day she slipped off the cover and lookedin.Forthwith there escaped a multitude of plagues for hapless man,andenvy,spite , learn spanish and revenge for his mind – whice scattered themselves far andwide.Pandora hastened to replace the lid!But the whole contents of the box hadescaped,one thing only excepted,which lay at the bottom,and that was hope.Sometime later,seized again with curiosity,she opened the box,thus releasing hopeinto the world.So we see at this day,whatever evils are abroad,hope neverentirely leaves us and while whe have that,no amount of other ills can make uscompletely miserable. learn italian